Recommendations for Baby monitors come up often in mommy groups, but many people are unaware they can have very high levels of harmful electromagnetic frequencies (EMF).
Also beware if you see people claiming to have tested things as having low or no EMFs… often they have the wrong type of meter (measuring a different type of emf). Someday I’ll do a post about emf testing and show the three meters I have.
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#mytoppicks / Best Options
I only use a Graco monitor that is for audio only, not video. Emfs drop off about a foot away or less. Mine uses digital technology, but Analogue may be even better if you can find it. Not sure what model I have, but it is by Graco and shown in the picture. Here is another audio monitor I’ve tested and is as low in emfs (amazon affiliates link: https://amzn.to/33Zwyox)
If you really want one that has a video, this Nuk one is safer than the rest I’ve seen. it’s from the UK so you’ll also need plug adapters. I got this but have barely used it because the audio-only one is working fine. All others, even those that have an eco mode or claim low emf, that I have seen or done my own testing on, have really high emf. Like, the whole room with the camera in it will have high emf and also the video monitor that you look at in a different room has some emf too. https://www.kids-room.com/en/nuk-baby-monitor-eco-control-video?sourceRef=int%3Asuggest&userInput=Nuk%20monito
A similar one I heard of after I purchased mine is on Amazon.de. $26 for shipping but it was cheaper than the one I bought. I have not tested it though. https://www.amazon.de/dp/B07B14BDJ8/ref=pe_3044161_185740101_TE_item (not an affiliate link).
Other options include hardwiring monitors, but that seemed complicated to me.
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