Healthy Snacks & Treats 🍬for On the Go, School, or Holidays (Avoiding Sugar and Allergens)

Updated September 2024

There are more and more products marketed as healthy these days, but if you’re like me, you look closely at the labels and realize that they’re not really (in my opinion).

My list is all (except the last category for refrigerated things) able to be taken on the go, and could be used for school lunches/ snack time/ treats/ holidays such as Valentines, Easter, Halloween, Christmas, and birthdays. Many can be found on Amazon if the links aren’t included.

There is a large focus on avoiding sugar (even natural sugar) and I believe they are all free of grain (one thing noted has rice but I usually avoid it), gluten, soy, corn, peanuts, artificial color, citric acid, and dairy (and possibly vegan) except for one cracker and kind bars that is noted, but if you have an allergy, do your due diligence. Most are free from unhealthy oils and things like sketchy preservatives. Most are organic unless noted.

I plan to have another post soon about sweeteners/ sugar substitutes, and which are best.

This post may contain Amazon Associates affiliate links, that I may earn small amounts from. See the bottom of this page for more details.

⭐️ Best: Organic Snacks with No Sugar or Any Sweeteners:

-Paleovalley Superfood Bars these are the least toxic / best ingredients bars there are in my opinion. This link this should get you any of their products for 15%.

-Organic nuts and seeds, or large coconut flakes (I buy Terrasoul brand coconut and walnuts).

-Unsweetened almond butter or coconut butter such as these Artisana Organics Raw Almond Butter Snack Packs (Amazon Associates link

-Lesser Evil brand popcorn is available in individual sized bags. I don’t use any of their products containing cassava because they tested for high heavy metals. They also sometimes contain citric acid or maltodextrin.

-Rhythm Superfoods brand makes organic dried kale chips, beet chips, and carrot sticks that taste great. Be sure to get the plain, unflavored ones to avoid additives.

Thrive market or Nuco organic coconut wraps.

–Dang Coconut Products.

Thrive market organic coconut flake cereal.

-Sana Foods organic coconut chips.

-Barnana organic plantain chips (cooked in coconut oil).

-Kapok Naturals organic quinoa pop cereal puffs (Amazon Associates link

-For bread, I use organic, gluten free (I think vegan too) Happy Campers bread mix and I bake it at home (so I can tweak ingredients and avoid non-stick pans that manufacturers rolls are ok ingredients, but their bread contains rice. Simple Kneads uses raisin juice, which adds to the sugars.

No or Low Sugar, but Not Organic:

Thrive market non-gmo grain free tortilla chips (not organic).

-Thrive Market non-gmo sweet potato chips (not organic, but sweet potatoes are on the list of things with low pesticides. Cooked in coconut oil which is good).

-Thrive Market non-gmo grain free taco shells (not organic).

-Taali brand non-gmo water lily puffs (not organic).

– The New Primal, Sea Salt Beef Thin jerky. Amazon Associates link:

– New Primal Classic Beef Meat Stick. Grass fed but not organic. Amazon Associates link:

-Paleovalley pasture-raised (though not all organic) superfood bars and turkey jerky sticks. They were the cleanest ingredients I could find for this type of product. Keep in mind that I looked at Chomps, Epic, etc. They also make a beef version but it contained non-organic celery juice, so I buy the turkey. I know some people will roll their eyes at that, but the #hardcorenontoxic types will relate. Check out this post for discount codes.

-Hungry Buddha bars (contain monk fruit but I don’t mind the taste) available from Thrive Market. These aren’t organic though and contain erythritol.

-Jovial organic sourdough Einkhorn Crackers (available from Thrive Market). These have wheat/ gluten but are thought to be a better/ more digestible form.

-Larabar Kids bars. These have sugar and aren’t organic, but there’s nothing particularly worrying in them and they don’t have dairy or gluten, so this is something I personally indulge in sometimes. Amazon associates link:

-Sometimes Aldi has snacks that are good to OK. Look for the organic or keto section and check the ingredients label carefully. I’m not naming any specific products, because with these kinds of things, you never know if they’re going to be in stock or if they are limited edition.

-From The Ground Up brand has a few snacks that are tasty but are not organic, contain vegetable oil and have ingredients I don’t consider non-toxic.

-For cereals, Lovebird (tested for 5 ppb lead which is the limit for what’s considered acceptable; but all cereals I’ve seen tested are much higher) or Three Wishes (not organic). Thrive Market makes an Organic Coconut Flakes cereal.

Natural Sugar or Low Sugar:

-Organic whole bananas, apples, or clementines (which look like pumpkins).

-Freeze dried strawberries:

-Organic fruit leathers from Soley (Amazon affiliate link or Clif Bar.

-Emmy’s Organics coconut cookies (sweetened with agave). Amazon associates link:

-Tosi Snacks. These are organic and tested free of PFAS. They do have some cane sugar though. Amazon associates link:

-UPDATE: These tested as having higher cadmium and arsenic levels BUT keep in mind, I haven’t seen any other bars tested yet, so it’s possible that all bars are similar levels. Cerebelly organic bars. Contains grains, natural flavors and some ingredients may be lead risks, but there’s no added sugar besides fruits. Amazon associates link:

-Aloha organic protein bars and drinks. These have some ingredients, such as rice, that aren’t totally my ideal, but are organic, delicious, and filling. Amazon associates link:

-Dino Bars are basically organic fruit with coconut oil and oats:

-Square Organic protein bars. Some people love these. They are expensive and have quite a bit of sugar, but at least they are organic and the ingredients aren’t too terrible.

– Skout organic bars. I don’t buy these because some ingredients (sunflower butter) may be lead risks so they sometimes have prop 65 labels. but there’s no added sugar besides fruits. Amazon associates link:

Amara Plant-Based Yogurt Smoothie Melts. (Not an affiliate link). Coconut milk and fruits/ vegetables are the only ingredients and everything is organic.

-Coconut Secret grain free granola bars. Note these have a significant amount of sugar, but from natural coconut. These may be discontinued.

–Non-gmo dehydrated dragon fruit chips (not organic). I haven’t been able to find organic ones, but these have no added sugar: or Thrive market

-Mini Kind or Lara bars. They aren’t organic, but at least the kind bars have low sugar. But the kind bars have peanuts sometimes, and at least one ingredient I don’t like.

– Mary’s Gone Crackers

Less Toxic Candy (But Sugary):

-Wholesome Organic lollipops. Amazon affiliate link: These don’t have artificial dyes, or the brown rice syrup (which contains arsenic) that other brands such as Yum Earth Pops do. I’m shocked that so many other bloggers recommend Yum Earth. These appear to be out of production but I hope they come back.

-These are the least toxic lollipops I have found. They claim to be 100% Organic Pure Honey, and Non-GMO Pure White Cane Sugar.

-Annie’s Organic (amazon link: fruit bunny snacks)

Alter Eco chocolate brand has low lead (see my chocolate blog)

-A healthier version of Reese’s peanut butter cups: Justin’s organic peanut butter or almond butter cups. If I were to buy these I’d get the almond butter because peanuts have a number of concerning health aspects.

-Lebby brand chocolate covered chickpeas or sesame chickpeas. They aren’t organic though.

-Smashmallow is the best choice in my opinion, for marshmallows.

-Glee Gum comes in cardboard, not plastic.

Products That Require Refrigeration (or a Cooler):

These could be useful for making snacks, lunches, party appetizers, etc.

-Foyager organic unsweetened yogurt

-Tolerant organic lentil macaroni and pasta

-Sana Foods organic coconut wraps

⁃ Siete brand has some tasty wraps and snacks, but I don’t think any of them are organic.

More Resources:

Here is a sugar binge recovery guide.

And here is Terracycle, a way to recycle things like candy wrappers that normally can’t go in curbside recycling.

Here are tests for finding out the lead levels in food samples.

Please Follow my Facebook page. Thanks!

***Thank you for visiting Clean Green Toxicant Free! I started this site simply because I want to help people and share information. I dig deep and seek the most truly non-toxic products, without bias. I am not paid to write anything and I don’t sell anything. In 2022 I became an Amazon Associate, which does NOT bias my recommendations. I may earn small dividends from purchases made after clicking my clearly labeled links (even if you don’t buy those specific items), which covers the costs I pay to maintain this site. There is no cost to you. More info is on the About This Website page.***


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