Toilet Paper 🧻 and Paper Towels: Earth Friendly, Less Toxic Options

Updated April 2024


Most people probably don’t think too much about toilet paper … until there’s a shortage 😅 like there was during Covid. This article considers material, toxicity and bleaching methods of toilet paper 🧻.

I am not affiliated with any toilet paper brands. This post may contain Amazon Associates affiliate links, that I may earn small amounts from, without causing bias. See the bottom of this page for more details.

The average American uses 3 rolls per week, and Americans use close to 8 million tons total of toilet paper per year according to Consumer Reports. Since it’s something we use so often on our intimate parts, we should consider toxicity because toxicants can be transferred through the skin.

Considering that 27,000 trees are cut down daily to make toilet paper, and a single roll requires 37 gallons of water to make, we should also consider the environmental impacts. In fact, this industry is the 3rd largest polluter. We can aim to choose toilet paper that does the least amount of harm to both our bodies and the environment.

Thousands of chemicals are used to process commercial paper products like toilet paper. One of the worst chemicals used in the processing is chlorine.

Women in particular are susceptible to absorbing toxicants through their private areas. In a 2010 study, they found that toilet paper may be the blame for chronic irritation of the vulva because formaldehyde (a known carcinogen) is used to improve the strength of toilet paper.

3 key areas where toilet paper can cause you harm:

1. Bleaching with chlorine, which produces dioxins. Dioxins, according to the WHO “can cause reproductive & developmental problems… & also cause cancer.”⁣

Chlorine dioxide is sometimes used instead of chlorine for bleaching. It is much less toxic, but still not 100% non-toxic. Most bamboo papers use chlorine dioxide⁣.

2. Recycled paper often contains bisphenols (BPA & BPS). This is an example of #whengreenistoxic and why you should not recycle receipt paper, because it is a known source of contamination. BPA is an endocrine disruptor linked to infertility, cancer, early puberty, etc. These chemicals affect health even at low quantities.⁣

3. Toilet paper was tested for fluorine levels (which indicate posible PFAS) and it was found that 24% of toilet paper tested had indications of PFAS. Of those with detectible levels, 50% of the products with detectable levels of organic fluorine were bamboo products.⁣ But be aware that like BPA, the levels could vary depending on which batch gets tested.

4. Phthalates⁣ can be found in scented paper towels⁣. They are linked to hormone disruption, obesity, infertility, cancers, diabetes etc.⁣

#MyTopPicks for Best Toilet Paper:

I considered both toxicity and environmental concerns for my selections. At first I thought bamboo was a great choice, but now I’m not so sure because I have learned that the processing of bamboo requires lots of chemicals. I discuss it in my diaper post and fabric post.

Some sources say that sugarcane is much less toxic than bamboo processing. But other sources say that sugarcane might use lots of pesticides. I couldn’t find more information on the internet, so you’ll have to decide how you feel about sugarcane.

Unbleached bamboo would avoid the chlorine derivatives, but the two brands listed as unbleached don’t claim to be organic (however, there is no certification for organic bamboo, so we can’t be sure of the companies who do claim to be organic).

Totally chlorine free (TCF) is the best choice for bleaching, followed by Elemental Chlorine Free (ECF). Mamavation didn’t believe that hydrogen peroxide could be used on bamboo unless it was a blend. But several 💯 bamboo brands do claim to use HP. So if they really do use HP that could make them a better option.

There was a one-time independent testing of PFAS/ fluorine in some of the brands listed, and I noted the results. We can’t know for sure if the results will always apply to all of their products in every batch.

All things considered, the next few I am going to try are PlantPaper, Reel, Save Trees, or Caboo.

Best Bamboo Toilet Paper Options:

* PlantPaper rolls are made of FSC Certified, organically grown bamboo pulp harvested in China. TCF bleaching. Remember that organic is not a regulated term for this type of product and there isn’t a certification to verify it. The company says their products are BPA and tested PFAS/ fluorine free. Get 10% off with this link to PlantPaper. This is one I would use.

* Reel Products, Inc. Bamboo; ECF bleaching. Tested free of fluorine. This is one I would use.

*Save Trees (formerly Cloud Paper) Bamboo Toilet Paper Tested free of fluorine. ECF or TCF (you may want to clarify with the company). This is one I would use.

* Fanny unbleached Bamboo Toilet Paper. Fanny gives more info about no pesticides and is slightly cheaper than Tushy.

* Tushy unbleached Bamboo Toilet Paper. Tushy also makes bidets. Tested positive for small amounts of fluorine, but as I mentioned, we don’t know if it would be in every batch. I have tried this brand in the past.

* WHOLEROLL Organic Bamboo Toilet Paper (TCF, using hydrogen peroxide for bleaching). Remember that organic is not a regulated term for this type of product and there isn’t a certification to verify it.

* Mother Earth Organic Bamboo toilet paper. Claims to be made of 100% organic bamboo and sustainably packaged with recycled boxes and cores. No pesticides or fertilizers used, and whitened by ECF bleaching. Remember that organic is not a regulated term for this type of product and there isn’t a certification to verify it.

* NooTrees Bamboo, 3ply. FSC certified, made without BPA, dyes, chemicals or fragrances. 100% chlorine free; uses oxygen, ozone or hydrogen peroxide instead. Amazon Associates link:

* Who Gives a Crap (bamboo). ECF with hydrogen peroxide for bleaching. Note that they also sell recycled TP which is not the same as their bamboo. The bamboo kind tested positive for small amounts of fluorine, but as I mentioned, we don’t know if it would be in every batch.

* Bim Bam Boo (bamboo; ECF with hydrogen peroxide as the primary compound, but also includes oxygen and chlorine dioxide. Amazon Associates link:

Best Sugarcane Blend Options:

* Caboo Bamboo Sugarcane Bathroom Tissue: Bamboo bleached using ECF (possibly hydrogen peroxide but you might want to confirm with them) and sugarcane bleached using TCF. Tested free of fluorine. This is one I am currently using. Amazon Associate link

* ECOS Treeless Bamboo & Sugarcane Toilet Paper: Likely bleached using ECF for bamboo. Tested free of fluorine.

* Public Goods: Bamboo/sugarcane bleached with ECF. Non-GMO ingredients. Tested free of fluorine.

* Seedling by Grove Collaborative: Bamboo & sugarcane blend. Bamboo likely bleached using ECF. Tested free of fluorine.

* Cheeky Panda Eco-Friendly Natural Bamboo Toilet Paper Tested free of fluorine. ECF or TCF (you may want to clarify with the company).

* Nature Z Way Bamboo Bath Tissue Tested free of fluorine. ECF or TCF (you may want to clarify with the company).

* Pure Planet Tree Free Bamboo & Sugarcane Toilet Paper. ECF or TCF (you may want to clarify with the company).

Best Recycled Toilet Paper Options:

* Who Gives A Crap recycled paper TP They test for BPA, which is a risk of recycled paper (but can’t guarantee of course). It is affordable and soft too. They also make a bamboo version discussed below which tested positive for fluorine. It’s unclear if the recycled type also would have it. And they compare them here.

* Open Nature 100% Recycled Paper Bathroom Tissue Tested free of fluorine. ECF or TCF (you may want to clarify with the company and ask if they have tested for BPA).

* Sprouts 100% Recycled Toilet Paper Tested free of fluorine. ECF or TCF (you may want to clarify with the company, and ask if they have tested for BPA).

Did not respond to questions: Rebel Green

Paper Towel/ Napkin Options:

A few of the toilet paper brands mentioned above also make paper towels, including Caboo and Who Gives a Crap, which are bamboo and sugarcane. Who Gives a Crap is cheaper.

For bamboo options, Cloud Paper also has some on Amazon: and so does Cheeky Panda: Grove makes a bamboo type (see their toilet paper above). I haven’t found any unbleached.

Brandless has napkins made of a sugarcane blend, and sometimes it’s possible to find their paper towels too.

The very best option would be reusable option such as these organic cotton ones. Just be sure to sanitize them (link is to my disinfecting blog post).

As far as eco-friendly options and green washing, here is an NRDC report. Keep in mind this is only about sustainability, not toxicity, and they didn’t include all the brands I looked at, but some are included.

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***Thank you for visiting Clean Green Toxicant Free! I started this site simply because I want to help people and share information. I dig deep and seek the most truly non-toxic products, without bias. I am not paid to write anything and I don’t sell anything. In 2022 I became an Amazon Associate, which does NOT bias my recommendations. I may earn small dividends from purchases made after clicking my clearly labeled Amazon links (even if you don’t buy those specific items), which covers the costs I pay to maintain this site, at no cost to you. More info is on the About This Website page.***